Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mother's Letter From Home

My son,
I write just a few words
to warm your heart,
as you get busy with a new life,
in a foreign land
I pray that you rise honestly,
reach your cherished goal,
your dream, your desire,
let it burn like fire,
errors are made, lessons learnt,
worry not about the trails left behind,
just hold on tightly to any inspiration
you can find.

My son,
you have courage within you
I know,
so go ahead and transform
your goals into reality,
stable headed and cool,
you have it within you to rule
over your temporary weaknesses.

What more can I say
my son,
I only aspire to be a tiny ray
that creeps in through your window
every morning,
to wake you up
to work with brightness,
finally, it's only You
who can make his day turn out right,
it's only You who can convert darkness into light,
so rush ahead but steadily my son,
the world awaits....

This poem was published in the magazine, Rashtriya Sahara in the year 1999.

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