Tuesday, November 16, 2021


The balloons – pink, yellow, blue and green
like the colour of the innocent drowning desires lurking within her,
of baby pink frilled dresses,
of yellow delicious pedas she would love to munch,
of sky coloured woollen blankets to keep her warm,
of green leafy veggies, she would love to eat!
Each balloon, a wish that flies high.
Every balloon sold, a yearning edging closer to fulfilment.
The big cars she passes by have no time for her
and her pale balloons. They know not what they mean to her.
While the world rushes her by, the little girl waits
for the pink, yellow, blue and green balloons to take wings
and carry her away to yonder lands filled with colourful delight!

*pedas are milk-based fudge treats

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