Thursday, April 30, 2020

NaPoWriMo: Day 30: The Dafli Romantic

The candles in my quarantined shelf
are suddenly facing a famine.
They are taking turns to offer themselves
in mourning people dear.
Rishi Kapoor, the royal actor of romance
and, die-hard artist of common man identifying roles decided to take a permanent vacation from our cancer laden, virus tanned world
into the universe of eternity.

He knows not how much love he has left behind
for people unknown to him
to feed on, to touch their hearts with
and shed tears forever.

You are free now dear Rishi, 
from disease, 
from conditional clamour.
Yet, a part of you exists in each one of us.
Your dafli* has gone silent
And, your guitar aches for your dancing touch.
Guess, all I can say is, "Om Shanthi Om. Shanthi Shanthi Om!"

*dafli: tambourine

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