Sunday, April 3, 2022

April 4: I floated around in a ritualistic riotous.


At this age, this time of the day

I turn towards Nature beside me to stay.

When family humans float around on conceptual islands

it is the crow, the squirrel that save me from emotional drylands.


Just the other day, a young crow cawed bitterly on my windowpane

I wondered ‘cos I had already left food on the steel plane.

Peeping out to see a scurry of squirrels munching hurriedly on grains

leaving the poor crow agitated finding hardly any refreshment remains.


The striped squirrels, in no mood, to relinquish their share

unmindful of others, downing edibles like hungry hare.

With no support from the anthropoid kind

the crow picked up a squirrel with its tail in its behind.


A jaw-dropping scene it surely was

like the killer whale striking flesh in Jaws.

Moving back to my daily quietus

I floated around in a ritualistic riotous.





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