Tuesday, April 5, 2022

April 6: There is nothing better that war has achieved


There are you, arguing with me unconditionally.

Is it your way of hiding underneath an armored cloak?

Nothing else but a sinister scam to prove

that you are right in the eyes of the storm,

war of common sense put to ransom,  which

has crucified compassion on the stake of ruthless vanity,

ever ready to think to terminate instead of preserving life. Has this

achieved anything but mindless ravage

that could have been avoided for a cause

we, humankind could live, love for.

Could it not be better if all lived, none destroyed, certainly

not for vain reasoning that spells doom for all?

Better it would be if truce stepped in like angels, flying to

achieve stability amidst debilitating insanity.

Without tolerance, we are no longer alive within. The war,

it is a dying opportunity to plow mental fields of rehabilitating harvest.

* This poem is based on a prompt from Day 6 of  https://www.napowrimo.net/day-six-9/

which is "a variation of an acrostic poem. But rather than spelling out a word with the first letters of each line, I’d like you to write a poem that reproduces a phrase with the first words of each line. Perhaps you could write a poem in which the first words of each line, read together, reproduce a treasured line of poetry?"


 The words that I have taken are from "There is nothing that war has ever achieved that we could not better achieve without it" by social reformer, Havelock Ellis.



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